This hot summer's day brought with it a special gift of life. My brother brought the insect to my attention which was at the foot of the table, while visiting my Mother at her home. I had never seen such a creature before, and I was totally moved by it's presence. It looked to be a homoptera but I did not know much more than that.
It was not until we were driving down the road later that I realized it was a nymph cicada. Several years ago I picked an adult cicado up from the side of the road. It's buzzing wings tickled and I was so happy as I had always dreamed of holding a live one. Today I was blessed again, as this time to meet a Cicada in it's nymph stage. This insect lives most of it's life in the nymph stage underground feeding on the juices of roots. For me this insect represents life's magic of transformation and evolution. A powerful symbol I like to embrace along with hugging trees.